Tuesday 16 January 2018

Race starts for £8.5bn Highways England framework

Highways England has started the long-awaited bid race to select a fresh line-up of contractors to replace its present Collaborative Delivery Framework.

Under the new arrangement, contractors will become delivery integration partners, designing and constructing highway projects across England under NEC4 standard terms, with suitable amendments.

Procurement chief estimate that the total spend with its new framework partners will be as high as £8.5bn over the period from 2018 to 2024.

The new approach to delivering the Roads Investment Strategy will focus on greater collaboration and a stronger regional procurement footprint for medium size projects.

The UK will be broken down into eight lots. These will be divided among five basic regions, with two bands of work streams. one  for packages below £100m and one for work exceeding this value.

This is intended to open the door to more regional players alongside the country’s big name contractors. Firms will only be allowed to secure two lots.

Two contractors will be selected for each of the lots, with each package containing 1-2 named project schemes, to be delivered during the framework term.

Delivery Integration Partners

Lot 1. South West & Midlands (< £100m). Total £200m

Lot 2. South East and East (< £100m). Total £350m

Lot 3. North (< £100m). Total £200m

Lot 4. South West (>£100m). Total £800m

Lot 5. Midlands (> £100m). Total £1.25bn

Lot 6. South East (> £100m). Total £1.1bn

Lot 7. East (> £100m). Total £2.8bn

Lot 8. North (> £100m). Total £2bn

from Construction Enquirer http://www.constructionenquirer.com/2018/01/16/race-starts-for-8-5bn-highways-england-framework/

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