Thursday 24 May 2018

Wates wins £23m contract with London’s Brent Council

The London Borough of Brent has awarded Wates Residential a £23.4m project to build 149 new homes by December 2021.

The Knowles House redevelopment in Harlesden will include the construction of two new buildings, providing 92 homes for temporary accommodation and 57 for independent living to support some of the borough’s most vulnerable residents.

The housing is being provided as part of the council’s Temporary Accommodation Reform Plan, which will result in £130m spent on up to 600 new homes over a three-year period and improve housing for vulnerable residents in the borough. Work is set to commence later this year.

As part of the project, Wates Residential and Brent Council have also made a joint pledge to provide employment and training opportunities for local residents, delivering a lasting legacy for the community.

Paul Nicholls, Managing Director of Wates Residential South, said: “Wates Residential is proud to have been chosen as the London Borough of Brent’s trusted partner for the Knowles House redevelopment.

We are excited to start work on the project, which will provide much-needed high-quality housing for some of the people who need it most.

from Construction Enquirer

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