Sunday 23 October 2016

Bidding starts on £70m Worcester Southern Link Road

Worcestershire County Council is on the hunt for a contractor to deliver the fourth and final phase of the A4440 Worcester Southern Link Road.

The council is inviting firms to prequalify for an early contractor involvement role followed by a separate design and build contract.

Phase 4 includes dualling the A4440 between Ketch and Powick roundabouts, including Carrington Bridge over the Severn, a notorious bottleneck.


Welsh contractor Alun Griffiths began phase three works to reconfigure the Norton roundabout a year ago and is due to complete this winter. The firm also picked up the smaller £8m phase two contract which is now complete.

The council is aiming to award the ECI deal by February 2017.

Further information is available from the council procurement office.

from Construction Enquirer

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