Sunday 18 December 2016

Galliford Try lands £32m Northumberland council HQ

Developers acting for Northumberland County Council have chosen Galliford Try to build its new headquarters under a £32m contract.

County development company Arch has awarded the contract and Galliford Try will start on site next month.

The project for the centre of Ashington will employ up to 220 construction workers over the next 18 months and at least 55 will be new job or apprenticeship opportunities for local residents.

The development is one of the biggest regeneration opportunities in Northumberland and part of a ten-year programme led by Arch that will invest more than £74m.

Northumberland County Council Leader Grant Davey said: ‘This is a welcome next step in our Market Towns Initiative to regenerate and improve Northumberland’s towns.

“We’re pleased the scheme has now appointed a team to start work and can now progress for the benefit of the town, the county and the wider region.”

from Construction Enquirer

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