Friday 22 March 2019

BakerHicks boosts site safety with BIM

Consultant BakerHicks has launched a BIM component designed to protect the health and safety of construction workers and end users.

Risk Cube visually identifies and details risks within the design model and encourages collaborative sharing of health and safety information.

Risk Cube crucially removes the need to update multiple documents.

All the health and safety information for each risk is contained within its relevant cube in the central model, which is then automatically replicated on any drawing or register linked to the model.

This removes the risk of information being out of sync across different documents, allowing designers to be confident that the same information inserted into the model will be extracted for issue.

The Risk Cubes are embedded within the 3D BIM model, allowing BakerHicks’ designers to populate safety information at the precise location where the risk is identified.

Trevor Strahan, head of BIM at BakerHicks, said: “Our focus in developing this technology has been on giving everyone involved in a project easy access to really important information that could save someone getting injured or worse.

“We realise the importance of H&S information and are passionate about sharing it in the most effective way possible.

“We’ve already trialed the Risk Cube on two of our projects in Scotland with great success and believe that it’s a true step change in how essential risk information is collated, presented and shared throughout a project’s lifecycle.”

from Construction Enquirer

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