Tuesday 26 March 2019

Construction minister quits over Brexit

Construction minister Richard Harrington was among three ministers who resigned last night to vote against the Government over Brexit.

Harrington said the “government’s approach to Brexit is playing roulette with the lives and livelihoods of the vast majority of people in this country.”

He added: “The clear message I have been receiving from the business community is that the failure to secure a deal and to rule out a hard Brexit is resulting in cancelled investment decisions, business being placed abroad and a sense of ridicule for British business across the world.”

MPs voted to take control of the Brexit process last night in a bid to find a Commons majority on a Brexit option.

Thirty Tory MPs voted against the Government including three ministers.

Harrington added: “I fear the no deal would be part of a giant economic experiment that is championed by a small minority of the economics profession, a small minority of the Conservative party and a small minority of the country.”

Harrington has been construction minister since 2017.

from Construction Enquirer http://www.constructionenquirer.com/2019/03/26/construction-minister-quits-over-brexit/

via Tumblr http://ndbasilica.tumblr.com/post/183717028589

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