Monday 24 April 2017

Former Liverpool Chinatown contractor goes under

The former main contractor on Liverpool’s £200m Chinatown development is being placed into liquidation.

Bilt Group is now in the hands of liquidators from Chamberlain & Co.

The contractor was replaced by developer North Point Global on all of its projects late last year.

Bilt Group was stood down at the Baltic House and The Element projects in Liverpool and also at the Chinatown site after completing its work on phase one of the project.

North Point Global decided to take more work in house at the start of 2016 following the collapse of contractor PHD1 which had worked on a number of its sites.

Bilt Group was formed in February last year and one of its founding directors was a former director of PHD1.

Subcontractors told the Enquirer they have not been paid for work carried-out for Bilt Group.

North Point Global is still to confirm new contractors for its projects.

The firm’s latest newsletter stated: “North Point Global are in the final stages of negotiation and will be announcing a new contractor for their projects in the very near future with construction to recommence shortly afterwards.

“North Point Global would like to thank everybody involved at BILT who came in under difficult circumstances and helped establish a strong platform with construction to continue under a new contractor.

“North Point Global understands the concerns from our investors due to the lack of progress on each site but they can be rest assured that construction will return very soon.”

from Construction Enquirer

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