Wednesday 25 April 2018

Green light for Liverpool Monarchs Quay scheme

Liverpool City Council has given the green light to latest plans to redevelop Monarch’s Quay at Liverpoool’s King’s Dock on the waterfront.

Developer YPG in partnership with the city council, which is the landowner, plan a large mixed-use scheme to create a new leisure, commercial and retail destination.

The latest part of the scheme to gain planning is a 6-storey apartment block, which follows on from the green light for a landmark office scheme for Wirral-based call-centre The Contact Company late last year.

Willmot Dixon is understood to be in line to build the office project.

Further phases of development include a 2,000-seat ice rink, a hotel, restaurants, bars and shops and a car park. A new Winter Garden, new public realm, ten pin bowling

from Construction Enquirer

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