Thursday 24 January 2019

Construction to start on stalled Southampton tower

Crest Nicholson will start construction this Spring on a 27-storey tower in Southampton which has been on hold for three years amid funding concerns.

The developer will now deliver the next two phases of the £500m Centenary Quay site which also includes 103 new low-rise homes.

Over 850 apartments and homes have already been completed at the site where work stalled in 2016.

Work has been able to restart following a funding deal with Homes England.

Scott Black, Managing Director at Crest Nicholson Regeneration, said: “Centenary Quay has not only delivered much needed private affordable and rental homes for local people, it has also positively impacted the local economy through direct and indirect employment.

“Crest Nicholson is continuing to invest in Centenary Quay and I look forward to seeing the scheme progress and our partnership with Homes England grow.”

Stephen Kinsella, Executive Director for Land at Homes England added: “This new phase of development will create one of the tallest residential buildings in the city and really make the most of the waterfront presence of Centenary Quay.

“We’re committed to the growth of a new, sustainable community for people in Southampton and this latest stage of development will provide homes with good access to new employment and leisure opportunities.”

from Construction Enquirer

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