Monday, 30 January 2017

Firms named for £434m northern highways framework

Highways England has teamed up with 18 contractors to improve highways in Cumbria and North Lancashire, and the North East of England.

The new-style framework, worth up to £434m, will start in April and covers 10 different specialisms of work split into 15 separate lots.

The framework covers a range of activities that include renewal work to roads and bridges, and improvement schemes on the Highways England road network.

Interserve, Carnell Support Services and Galliford Try feature among the main civils packages.

The framework is part of the Asset Delivery contracts which will see Highways England directly managing both routine maintenance and the delivery of capital renewal and improvement schemes.

This marks a change from previous way of working, bringing the management of key functions in-house and taking greater control of the road network.

Specialist Construction Works Framework – North
Lot 1 Supplier
Corrosion Protection RH Painting (trading as Whittle Programmed Maintenance )
Lot 2
Structural Concrete Repairs Concrete Repairs
Lot 3
Structures Waterproofing and Expansion Joints Route One Highways
Lot 4a
Road Lighting and Electrical Works Carnell Support Service
Galliford Try Infrastructure
Lot 4b
Road Lighting and Electrical Works Carnell Support Service
Galliford Try Infrastructure
Lot 5a
General Civil Engineering A E Yates
Carnell Support Service
Interserve Construction
Lot 5b
General Civil Engineering Balfour Beatty Civil Engineering trading as Birse Civils
Carnell Support Service
Interserve Construction
Lot 6
Technology Imtech Traffic and Infra (Trading as Dynniq)
Lot 8a
Road Markings DeAngelo Brothers UK
WJ North
Lot 8b
Road Markings DeAngelo Brothers UK
WJ North
Lot 9
Restraint Systems (Vehicle and Pedestrian) Colas
H W Martin Safety Fencing
Lot 10a
Specialist Drainage Carnell Support Service
Lot 10b
Specialist Drainage Carnell Support Service
Lot 11a
Temporary Traffic Management Carillion Traffic Management
HW Martin Traffic Management
Lot 11b
Temporary Traffic Management Tarmac Aggregates
HW Martin Traffic Management

The first of these types of contracts began operation in the East Midland’s region in July last year.

The new framework contractors will work alongside Kier Highways which has maintenance responsibility in Area 13 and CH2M Costain joint venture has Area 14. Amey OW has the design service contract in both regions.

David Poole, Executive Director for commercial and procurement at Highways England, said: “These contracts demonstrate our commitment to increasing capability and understanding within Highways England and bringing Highways England closer to our customers.

“Collaboration with our supply chain is key to our new way of working and we are looking forward to establishing a successful, long-term relationship with the appointed contractors.”

Highways England will be working with the successful contractors to ensure that they are mobilised and ready to begin delivering key services from 1 April 2017.

from Construction Enquirer

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