Friday 23 June 2017

Contractors urged to stop asking site chefs for skills cards

Contractors are being told to stop turning away non-construction staff from sites if they don’t hold CSCS skills cards.

The drive for blanket card-carrying on major sites has raised standards but created problems for non-construction related workers on jobs.

Workers like chefs, vending machine installers and pest controllers can be refused entry to sites for not holding a CSCS card.

CSCS Head of Communications Alan O’Neile said: “CSCS cards are intended for construction related occupations only.

“Due to the wide range of skills required on construction projects, there are times when a worker arrives on site to perform a non-construction related activity, for example catering staff, delivering materials or cleaners.

“These individuals do not require a CSCS card and CSCS has stopped issuing cards for these and many other non-construction related occupations.”

But some construction sites still operate a 100% carded workforce policy.

The policy is often reinforced in client’s prequalification documents or by head office insisting all workers and visitors to site should carry a CSCS card.

O’Neile added: “The rigid enforcement of a 100% carded workforce results in legitimate, non-construction related, workers being refused entry to site as they do not hold a card.

“This indicates a misunderstanding of the scheme and undermines the construction industry’s desire for a fully qualified (not carded) workforce.

“We are not asking site managers to allow just anyone on site. If a worker is there to carry out a construction related activity then a card is required as proof of their training and qualifications.

“If they are there to perform a non-construction related activity it becomes the responsibility of site managers to induct and escort these people to ensure they remain safe at all times when on site.”

from Construction Enquirer

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