Tuesday 27 June 2017

Paramount exits planned £3.2bn north Kent resort

The developer behind a giant £3.2bn theme park resort in Kent is committed to seeking planning despite their Holywood partners dropping out.

Film Studio Paramount Pictures was to lend its name to the resort’s rides and attractions, but has now decided to cut its ties with the planned 35-acre scheme in North Kent

Developer London Resort Company Holdings, which first revealed plans for the project on Swanscombe Peninsula back in 2012, said its Holywood’s partner’s decision would not affect its goal to submit a planning application in November.

Humphrey Percy, chief executive of LRCH, said: “We want to express our sincere thanks to the many members of the Paramount team who have worked with us since we took over the Project in August 2013.

“This announcement does not have an effect on the timing of our planned Development Consent Order submission in November 2017.

“We are working closely with the local authorities, landowners and local community, as well as our other stakeholders, and we very much look forward to showing our plans to the public as part of our final stage of consultation prior to submitting later this year.”

from Construction Enquirer http://www.constructionenquirer.com/2017/06/27/paramount-exits-planned-3-2bn-north-kent-resort/

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