Thursday 22 June 2017

Five more Edinburgh schools found with building defects

Five more Edinburgh schools were found to have building defects during inspections ordered after a serious wall collapse at Oxgangs Primary in the city.

The council originally shut 17 schools as a precaution following after nine tonnes of masonry collapsed at Oxgangs Primary during Storm Gertrude due to missing wall header ties.

Initial structural surveys just after the collapse revealed similar problems at two other schools.

But now after a full investigation of all school buildings a total of five other schools suffered defects in wall tie design.

The extent of the problem was revealed yesterday in evidence to the Scottish Education Committee investigating the matter.

City of Edinburgh Council’s head of property facilities management Peter Watton revealed the latest defects while giving evidence to MSPs.

Watton confirmed that further wall-tie defects were also found at Currie, Towerbank and Cramond primary schools and Valley Park Community Centre. These would be fixed over the summer, while problems at a fifth school, Queensferry High School, have already been rectified.

He added that the five properties has similar issues, although they were not identical and not the same extent.

from Construction Enquirer

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