Thursday 29 June 2017

Total buildings failing fire tests climbs to 120

Prime Minister Theresa May has revealed that the number of tower blocks fitted with cladding failing fire safety tests has risen to 120.

She also admitted there were now wider questions that needed to be addressed about why the system of inspections was not working in the country.

Speaking during Prime Minister’s Questions, she said that 37 local authorities in England had tower blocks that failed tests, and confirmed 100% of cladding samples tested so far have combustible material.

She also confirmed that her understanding was cladding at Grenfell Tower was not in line with building safety regulations but refused to be drawn on details because of the criminal investigation.

“My understanding is that this particular cladding was not compliant with the building regulations.

“This raises wider issues, as the House will recognise, and it is important that we are careful in how we talk about this because there is a criminal investigation taking place and it’s important that we allow the police to do that criminal investigation and take the decisions that they need to take.”

In heated exchanges with opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn she said: “It is not just a question of what laws you have. It is how those are being applied.

“We have the building regulations about compliant materials. The question is why we have seen in local authority area after local authority area materials being put up that appear not to comply with those building regulations. That is what we need to get to the bottom of.”

The prime minister said she expects to name a judge for the public inquiry into the disaster soon.

from Construction Enquirer

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