Wednesday 22 August 2018

Bechtel signs PM deal on Wylfa nuclear power station

Horizon Nuclear Power has appointed Bechtel as project management contractor for its proposed £12bn Wylfa Newydd nuclear power station on the Isle of Anglesey.

Horizon has also signed further contracts with Hitachi Nuclear Energy Europe and JGC to continue to provide support during the project’s development stage.

The move further strengthens the delivery structure and builds on previous intensive work, enabling the project to move into the next phase.

Bechtel will have nearly 200 employees embedded within Horizon overseeing project management of the power station.

It will sit at the heart of the Wylfa Newydd project organisation, leading the contractual and commercial interface with suppliers on behalf of Horizon.

In June, the UK Government confirmed it was considering direct investment in the Wylfa Newydd project to keep its nuclear power station building plans on track. Without a public cash deal, the project is unlikely to go-ahead.

Assuming a successful project outcome, Hitachi Nuclear Energy Europe will deliver the UK Advanced Boiling Water Reactors for the power station.

JGC will continue to provide a range of specialist services around the ‘Balance of Plant’, the supporting components and systems needed to deliver the energy beyond the generating unit itself.

Last month, the Planning Inspectorate, which considers major infrastructure project applications, accepted a 41,000-page submission for a Development Consent Order for Wylfa Newydd. The examination phase is expected to commence in the autumn.

Duncan Hawthorne, CEO of Horizon Nuclear Power, said: “The UK still needs reliable nuclear power to help transform our energy mix, and we are gearing up to deliver that.

“Our first power station will be cheaper than what has gone before and after that, with smart financing, supply chain learnings and no need for first time overheads, future project costs will fall further still.”

Barbara Rusinko, President, Nuclear, Security and Environmental at Bechtel, said “We’ve been part of the Horizon family for several years, and it’s been a pleasure to work alongside the company as it has evolved through its development phase.

“We look forward to continuing to bring our expertise to the construction of the UK’s next new nuclear power station at Wylfa Newydd in our new role as Project Management Contractor.”

The embedding of Bechtel within Horizon will mirror the kind of client/contractor relationship that has been successful in delivering the previous four ABWR nuclear reactors on time and on budget.

from Construction Enquirer

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