Tuesday 28 August 2018

Guinness names six firms for £226m housing upkeep deal

The Guinness Partnership has picked its six favoured contractors to deliver a £226m programme of planned maintenance over the next six and a half years.

The panel of firms is split across three framework agreements covering the South, West and North, which will together be worth up to £226m.

In the northern region, Guinness will continue with a hybrid delivering much of the housing maintenance programme with its in-house team, while calling on contractors to carry out some works.

Guinness Partnership housing maintenance teams

  • South framework: VINCI, ENGIE, Fortem
  • West framework:  Novus, Wates, Kier
  • North framework: Guinness Property (Guinness’ in-house repairs and maintenance provider), joined by Wates, Kier and Fortem

The programme covers fitting new kitchens, bathrooms, windows, doors and heating, as well as building safety works such as installing new fire alarms and emergency lighting.

Guinness’s executive director for Asset Management, Ian Joynson, said: The new arrangements will reduce our unit costs so that we can invest more in building new homes and improving existing ones.

“Guinness Property, our in-house provider, will continue to deliver the majority of planned maintenance in the North, reflecting the hybrid model of combining the best of internal and external resources that we also employ in other areas of property maintenance.

Mobilisation for the contracts will take place over the next couple of months.

from Construction Enquirer http://www.constructionenquirer.com/2018/08/28/guinness-names-six-firms-for-226m-housing-upkeep-deal/

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