Friday 19 October 2018

Gatwick Airport sets out £500m runway upgrade plan

The UK’s second-busiest airport has revealed plans to move and upgrade its standby runway into routine use for departing flights by the mid-2020s.

The plan to bring the runway into routine use for short haul flights has been set out in Gatwick Airport’s new masterplan setting out new growth plans.

Under its current planning agreement, Gatwick’s existing standby runway is only used when the main runway is closed for maintenance or emergencies.

This 40-year planning agreement will come to an end in 2019.

And the draft masterplan sets out for the first time how Gatwick could potentially bring its existing standby runway into routine use for departing flights, alongside its main runway, by the mid-2020s.

The plan would see the existing standby runway moved 12m north to take it further away from the main runway.

Stewart Wingate, Chief Executive Officer, London Gatwick said: “Our draft master plan marks the start of a new phase for Gatwick – building on what has made the airport the success it is today, and pioneering again to take advantage of the exciting opportunities that lie ahead.

Carolyn Fairbairn, CBI Director-General, said:“Now more than ever, unlocking new aviation capacity to deliver global trade links is critical for a strong UK economy.

“London’s airports are set to be full in the next decade, so the CBI welcomes Gatwick’s highly productive proposals to deliver increased capacity that complements expansion schemes at other airports. This will drive trade and investment, create new jobs and help British businesses thrive.”

from Construction Enquirer

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