Tuesday 28 February 2017

£23m Inverness Justice Centre plan approved

Highland Council has given the thumbs up to a new justice centre in Inverness

Robertson Construction is set to deliver the £23m project, which involves demolition of the former bus depot and construction of the courts, office space and a cafe.

The new V-shaped two storey building complex designed by Reiach & Hall would allow the courts service to move out of Inverness Castle.

Work is expected to start on the project in the spring.

Inverness justice centre

Eric McQueen, Chief Executive, Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service said: “This is a very exciting development and unique in its vision to bring together a range of organisations who work within the justice environment in the Highlands.

“With financial support in place from Scottish Government, the Inverness Justice Centre is a fantastic opportunity to improve the delivery of justice within a purpose-built fully integrated facility.

from Construction Enquirer http://www.constructionenquirer.com/2017/03/01/23m-inverness-justice-centre-plan-approved/

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