Friday 15 June 2018

Esh awards soil nailing deal to Aarsleff

Aarsleff Ground Engineering has been awarded the soil nailing contract by Esh Construction for the steepening of an embankment in Gosforth.

The bank steepening is part of a large highway improvement project on Killingworth Road and Haddricks Mill roundabouts.

The works include the instalment of a new Metro bridge and an extensive redesign of road layout.

Aarsleff will install 618 soils nails to support the embankment with works planned to last for five weeks.

Aarsleff Ground Engineering and Byland Engineering have previously collaborated on two major projects for Esh Construction comprising a 10m high soil nailed wall at Fisher Street in Newcastle and a smaller scheme in Durham requiring just 92 No. soil nails to stabilise a steep 53° embankment in Pelaw Woods.

Aarsleff Ground Engineering’s Manager Jonathan Greener, said: “We are delighted that Esh have awarded us our third soil nailing contract and we are equally excited to be working alongside the same team of people as before”.

from Construction Enquirer

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