Tuesday 20 November 2018

Clyde swing bridge gets thumbs up

Scottish Government ministers have given the green light to a major project to transform the Clyde waterfront with a new bridge and improved transport links.

The £90m Clyde Waterfront and Renfrew Riverside project includes a 184m-span road swing bridge.

This has been designed by engineering consultant Sweco working with Kettle Collective, the architects behind the Falkirk Wheel.

The bridge is constructed using a modern cable suspension system and celebrates the River Clyde’s shipbuilding heritage in its design. As the bridge opens and closes, the vertical masts rotate similar to resemble the turning motion of cranes on the Clyde

It will be the first opening road bridge over the River Clyde, linking Renfrew and Yoker and forms part of a package of new roads, walkways and cycle routes into a 150-acre site next to Glasgow Airport being developed into a manufacturing district.

This has already attracted two national innovation centres, the National Manufacturing Institute for Scotland and a major centre revolutionising medicines manufacturing.

Renfrewshire Council Leader Iain Nicolson, said: “Communities on both sides of the Clyde will benefit from greatly improved access to their work, to education and to hospitals through the new connections which will also help reduce congestion and improve journey times.

“It builds on the development of the new manufacturing district which will bring thousands of new high skilled jobs and training opportunities to Renfrewshire and the wider region and help secure the future of Scotland’s vital manufacturing industry.

Clyde Waterfront and Renfrew Riverside is one of three Glasgow City Region City Deal-funded projects in Renfrewshire alongside the Glasgow Airport Investment Area project, which will deliver the underpinning infrastructure behind the new manufacturing district and the flagship Airport Access Project, creating a direct rail link between Glasgow Airport, Paisley Gilmour Street and Glasgow Central Station.

from Construction Enquirer http://www.constructionenquirer.com/2018/11/21/clyde-swing-bridge-gets-thumbs-up/

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