Friday 21 September 2018

£100m Aberdeen Broadford Works village plan approved

Plans to develop Aberdeen’s historic Broadford Works site into a near 600,000 sq ft residential and retail scheme have got the thumbs up from planners.

Developer Inhabit plans to redevelop the former textile factory site in the city centre with 460 homes, accommodation and 430 students.

The urban village will also include commercial office space, shops, restaurants and cafes for those living, working and socialising in the heart of Aberdeen.

The £100m-plus project will provide significant inward investment to the city’s economy, rejuvenating the historic site, which has stood empty since 2004.

Ana Nekhamkin, Managing Director of Inhabit said: “We are delighted that Aberdeen city councillors have unanimously supported our plans for the regeneration of the Broadford Works site.

“The redevelopment will support the city’s long-term growth by delivering a high quality, mixed-use development that sits alongside the Aberdeen City Centre Masterplan, the city’s regeneration blueprint launched in June 2015. We now look forward to progressing the next phase of development on this important site.”

from Construction Enquirer

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