Monday 24 September 2018

Plan in for 8m sq ft Northampton rail freight interchange

Developers Ashfield Land and Gazeley have submitted plans to build an 8m sq ft strategic rail freight interchange in the Northamptonshire countryside.

Rail Central would be built where the West Coast Main Line and Northampton Loop Line intersect, adjacent to the A43 and within 2 miles of Junction 15A of the M1.

If approved, the earliest potential start of construction would be in late 2019.

The scheme would be built out in phases in line with market demand, with the key rail infrastructure going in early within the overall build-out plans.

The proposals include a traditional container handling ‘inter modal’ terminal connecting into the Northampton Loop Line and an ‘express terminal’ connecting directly into the West Coast Main Line.

As well as key rail infrastructure, the plans include up to 7.4m sq ft of rail-connected and rail-served logistics and commercial buildings plus a new ‘grade separated’ roundabout junction with the A43 and key improvements to J15A of the M1.

The project is defined as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project with the proposals therefore submitted to Planning Inspectorate.

This follows three years of consultation and development with technical studies and assessments, plus feedback from a wide range of stakeholders.

Andrew Fisher, Managing Director at Ashfield Land, said: “Rail Central occupies the best strategic location in the UK for this type of development – where two railway lines and two major roads come together right in the heart of England.

“To meet the Government’s policy for shifting more freight from road to rail – and to meet customer demands for fast, reliable and sustainable logistics – Rail Central can be a major factor. We are pleased to have submitted the proposals and look forward to the next stage in this important planning process.”

from Construction Enquirer

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